Buy cryptocurrencies with cash
We introduce you into a price point affordable Bitcoin Teller Machine, Dadomi..
Not only for professional operators, but anyone and anywhere that needs to provide friendly access to cryptocurrencies. Allowing customers to buy cryptocurrencies easily with cash.
Custom, Easy to place and Transport
Dadomi can be table or wall-mounted, and weighs 12,5 kg. This makes it portable and ideal for places with reduced space. Unlike other crypto machines, Dadomi supports more than 20 cryptocurrencies. The backend of the machine lets the operator choose which cryptocurrencies to accept.
Our BTMS complies with the highest north-american and european safety and quality standards and crafted by hand in Canada
If you are looking to adquire a BTM you probably seen others, and by this point you know Dadomi is different, it was designed to be more than a metal box, a piece of art, impossible to ignore, something that unleash creativity.
Choose the color of your BTM and add logos and images, everything protected by a 1mm tick transparent coating to make it last forever.
Bussiness Model
Pretty straigth forward, BTM operators charge a fee to te customers for every transaction, this is fee is setup by the operator but ranges between 5% and 15% fee per transaction.
You can use out BTM ROI Calculator.No hidden cost or fees. You pay only the BTM cost, with a optional $150 usd anual fee for software updates and support,
Our Technical Support is optional and we strongly recommend it if you don't have your own dedicated tech support team.
We manufacture Bitcoin Teller Machines, with open source software. We do not take part of your profits.
It's $0 from us for one of your transactions. We do not have access to your backend or any information about you or your users.
You can manage the liquidity yourself or connect your btm to a liquidity provider like cryptocurrency exchange to avoid volatility, you will pay between 0.6% and 1.5% per transaction depending on the exchange you choose.
Free Shipping to Canada, EUA and Mexico